
State Officers

Serving as a Wisconsin FCCLA State Officer is a prestigious role, elected by the state FCCLA membership to lead over 1,800 members. This position demands servant leadership, teamwork, and dedication to the membership, state executive council, and oneself. State Officers gain valuable experience through leadership training and by planning a balanced program of work that emphasizes family, career, and community-focused activities. They travel the state, network with leaders, members, advisers, and industry professionals, all while upholding the FCCLA mission. Wisconsin FCCLA officers are ambassadors for the association, the state of Wisconsin, and representatives of their families, schools, and communities. 

Want to have the opportunity to network with a state officer virtually or in person? Complete this request form to have a state officer come visit your school or chapter!

State Officer Handbook 

Interested in serving as a state officer? Review this year's current State Officer Handbook to get a better idea of the state officer expectations. 

State Officer Application 

Coming Soon! 

Applications will be due 

in December 2024. 

2024-2025 State Officer Team

State President, Elizabeth Curtis 

Adviser, Jennie Marx

First Vice President, Karter Kindschy

Adviser, Kristie Gill

Vice President-Competitive Events, Lauren Wisner

Adviser, Kate Zank

Vice President-Public Relations, Alexa Heitkamp

Adviser, Sadie Hooker

Vice President-Finance, Maggie Kozlowski

Adviser, Valerie DeVries-Polman

Vice President-National Programs, Raul Feria Guzman

Adviser, Karen Busselman

Vice President of Career Development, Noelle Teschner

Adviser, Donna Odeen

WI FCCLA Ambassadors 

More Information Coming Soon!

WI FCCLA Content Creators

More Information Coming Soon!

WI FCCLA National Anthem Applicantion

More Information Coming Soon!